What your kids eat and drink can significantly impact their oral health. The right nutrition promotes strong, cavity-free teeth. Here's how good dietary habits contribute to your children having a healthy smile, as recommended by pediatric dentists.
Avoid Sugary Snacks and Drinks
It's no secret that excessive sugar is bad news for teeth. Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugary foods and produce acids that erode tooth enamel. Sipping sugary drinks throughout the day keeps acid attacking teeth constantly. Limit sweet treats and stick to water or milk. Getting cavities under control starts with cutting back on sugary snacks.
Eat More Dairy
Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese contain calcium and other minerals that strengthen tooth enamel. The casein in dairy also helps neutralize acids in the mouth. Building healthy enamel makes teeth more resistant to cavities and decay. If your child doesn't like plain milk, try offering yogurt smoothies or string cheese for the dental benefits of dairy.
Choose Crunchy Fruits and Veggies
Many raw fruits and vegetables have a high water content that helps wash away food debris and neutralize acids. Their crisp texture also promotes saliva production, which protects and remineralizes tooth enamel. Apples, carrots, celery, and other crunchy produce are great choices. Although, watch out for acidic fruits like citrus that could erode enamel.
Consider Fluoride Supplements
Fluoride makes enamel more resistant to decay and helps repair early stages of cavity damage. While most drinking water contains some fluoride, supplements offer higher concentrations if your pediatric dentist determines that your child needs more. Fluoride drops or chewable tablets provide defensive benefits against tooth decay.
Protect Teeth From Sports Injuries
According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, sports account for 10 to 39% of dental injuries in children; most often, it involves chipped and broken teeth. Using mouthguards during sports like soccer, basketball, and gymnastics is a must. Also, you should get dental injuries from falls or collisions checked out quickly - your pediatric dentists can often repair the tooth if treated right away.
A healthy, balanced diet gives kids the nutrients they need for strong, permanent teeth. Limit sugar, boost dairy, and use mouthguards during sports. Partnering with pediatric dentists will help maximize your child's oral health. If you want to learn more about keeping your child's teeth healthy and strong, schedule a dental appointment with Martin Kids Dental today.